The Pill-Poppin'est Road Trip Movie You'll Ever See

I can't believe I waited this long to see Vanising Point, the godfather of all car-chase movies (yes, there is a car-chase genre) starring Barry Newman, the budget Dustin Hoffman. It also has Cleavon Little, the sheriff from Blazing Saddles, as Super Soul: the blindest, rockin'est small town disc-jockey in America.
It's a pretty amazing trip into the heart of a gear head speed freak with a rippin' soundtrack to boot. I recommend it heartily.
Other great car-chase movies:
- Two Lane Blacktop (1971)
- Death Race 2000 (1975)
- Cannonball Run (1981)
- Bullitt (1968)
Put Nightmare City in your queue.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008 6:26:00 PM
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