the misadventures of a Northwesterner afloat in the windy city

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Just as a joke...

At school today I overheard a few boys talking while they picked their top ten class choices for an upcoming parent-taught day of activities.
"We should all put cheerleading down as our tenth choice. Just as a joke..."
The other boys continue putting their choices on the sheet.
Thinking that the others must not have heard he repeated, "guys, just as a joke we should put down cheerleading as our last choice."
After the third time I couldn't help but notice a little bit of disappointment in his manner when no one responded to his suggestion.
Don't worry. Someday you'll be able to put down cheerleading as your first choice. And it won't have to be a joke.


Blogger Kelly Merrill said...

I want more goods!!!

Monday, September 15, 2008 2:38:00 PM


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