so am i gonna continue to look like a fuck faced dog collar for linking to your dead blog from mine? lets see a new post! this one'll break your heart indeed.
Woah! I had no idea my fans were filled with such vinegar! In honor of that fiery castigation I think I'll write a new post. That should keep 'em happy for the next six months.
Personally, I'm surprised that anyone even noticed when I stopped writing.
so am i gonna continue to look like a fuck faced dog collar for linking to your dead blog from mine? lets see a new post! this one'll break your heart indeed.
Monday, March 10, 2008 12:51:00 AM
Woah! I had no idea my fans were filled with such vinegar! In honor of that fiery castigation I think I'll write a new post. That should keep 'em happy for the next six months.
Personally, I'm surprised that anyone even noticed when I stopped writing.
Monday, March 10, 2008 8:22:00 PM
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