the misadventures of a Northwesterner afloat in the windy city

Monday, August 27, 2007

and so it begins

Just got back from a meeting in which my principal informed me of my teaching position for this year. I am currently assigned as a fifth-grade social studies and language arts teacher for half the day and as a technology coordinator for the other half. This means that I'll spend my morning in the classroom working with 18 or so students and then spend my afternoons designing staff development activities, training other teachers on how to use equipment and basically dragging my school (kicking and screaming) into the modern age.
The more I ponder the opportunities I will encounter in this position, the more excited I get. For instance, the students in Room 208, under the tutelage of Bob Sprankle, have created a very helpful video on how to produce a classroom podcast. In addition, Mr. Sprankle sets up individual blog pages for his students so that they can post their work online and leave comments for classmates. Pretty cool set-up and I am considering borrowing some ideas for our school web page.
In addition, I spent last quarter using a SMART Board in my classroom

I knew that the technology skills I have developed over the years would come in handy someday and it is quite exciting that I get to focus on developing useful classroom tools and resources.


Blogger Bright Ring, art book author MaryAnn Kohl said...

There is something mighty fine about this new job, Mr. Ned Harkness. And only 18 kids? Dear Gawd, that's like a vacation. WAY TO GO!!!!! Megn's mom, MaryAnn

Monday, August 27, 2007 6:27:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

technology skills yes. proper usage of the word "new" no.

Sunday, September 02, 2007 4:55:00 AM

Blogger Mr. H said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

Monday, September 03, 2007 11:41:00 AM

Blogger Mr. H said...

Fixed the "knew." Hopefully, there will be know more mistakes like that.

Monday, September 03, 2007 12:27:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sprankle = plural past tense of Sprinkle.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007 2:52:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

oops. That was Kerry

Tuesday, September 11, 2007 2:53:00 PM


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