the Fortress of Smoothitude
January 30th, 2006. 0942.
It all started with Yacht Rock.
An old friend, Le Nick (aka Naked Barko), delivered an important coded message on a über secret visit. His communiqué guided me to Channel 101 and suggested that I explore the works of one JD Ryznar which inevitably led me to the smoothest show ever produced for the World Wide Interweb: Yacht Rock. 10 episodes and a cancellation later, the show now resides here.
After cobbling together an unauthorized digital soundtrack and plumbing the vinyl depths of Portland's smoothest thrift stores I reached a certain plateau of easy listening that, in fact, gave me an inner understanding and clarity transcending that of any "psychoanalysis" or "X-ray vision."
Months later, after crossing half the continent and settling into the rhythms of a new city, I got wind of a chance encounter with the creators of the afore mentioned program. Could this be my opportunity to win their confidence and coerce them into sharing with me the secrets of their fraternal order of smoothness? Sadly… no. But I did sing “Glory of Love” in a “smooth karaoke” contest, earn an autographed picture of the dudes and see a directors cut of episode two. Plus, the four gentleman were kind enough to record short messages to some of my “comrades in smoothness” back in Portland. You can see these tributes here, but you should watch the show first or they will be meaningless.

Ladies and gentlmen, keep the fire.
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