There we were: Weiners [sic] Circle, 3 am. With merely a thin layer of wire mesh separating us from the surly hot dog vendors, I boldly stood my ground and ordered the “cheese fries.”
Moments later I found myself muttering, “these taste like nothing” as I greedily (yet daintily) crammed them into my mouth. As my old friend Paul Posadas commented “I can't believe you ate the cheese fries at Weiner Circle. That shit ain't nuthin but powdered cheese, cow lips and assholes.” Too true, but doesn’t that describe ALL the good things in life, I ask?
Marika, Troy, Megan and I were on our way home from An evening of adventure at Delilah’s and later The Hideout to catch Small Sails, a Portland rock combo with our awesome friend Ryan Jeffrey, which after all that work (I mean the links, of course), we ended up arriving just as the band was leaving the stage.
Such is life.
Here's a little sample of the bedlam of the evening, and especially... Weiners Circle. Enjoy.
Live from Weiners Circle
That about sums it up
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